LIVE Acting Intensive + Reel Footage
Atlanta, GA
​Acting Technique Training + Actor Branding + Footage to get Cast​
6hr Acting Intensive: LIVE training with only 6 students
8hr On-Set Intensive: Camera training with pro DP
1hr Prep Call: Learn Objectives and Tactics Technique
1hr Post Call: Get director's feedback and action steps for using your marketing footage
All Your Footage: Get every second of footage from set
Learn Editing: Receive education to edit your footage
Branding Call: Private call to decipher your actor brand
Custom Scene: Scene written just for you based on your brand and how you want to be cast

Intensive Format
Pre-Class Scene Assignment
Objective: In a group setting, review the tailored scenes based on desired roles and career growth needs.
Process: After a private call with Jana, actors receive custom scene assignments; this call with the group will introduce everyone and prep for the intensive.
​Thurs. @ 7pm: Group Prep Call (Zoom)
Classroom Technique Day
Objective: Comprehensive learning on acting technique and scene work
Content: All students receive individualized support and guidance
Sat. @ 10:00am - 4:00pm (___, GA): Live in Classroom
On-Set Experience Day
Objective: Professional grade videography for top-quality reel footage.
Process: Work with a skilled director of photography in a live on-set environment.
Sun. @ 9:00am - 5:00pm
(___, GA): Live On Set
Post-Class Follow-Up
Objective: Reinforce learning and address any queries.
Process: Discuss footage options and edits. Set next step goals.
​Tues. @ 7pm: Group Prep Call (Zoom)

Rates | Refunds: We appreciate your interest in our coaching and education packages. Please note that once purchased, all coaching and education packages are non-refundable. Work with Jana to discuss payment plans and deposits. 50% deposit is needed to secure your spot for the LIVE intensive. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to providing you with expert guidance and knowledge.